Thursday, October 24, 2013

Environment survey results

Nine persons did the survey, the survey results are:

1.Do you turn off the water when you don´t need it doing the following activities?

2.When you go shopping, what do you use to bring home your purchases?

3. What kind of containers do you buy drinks in: glass, plastic or carton?

4. Others questions

I see in the first question the people are taking care our environment because i see that many people turn off the water when they don´t need it.
In the second answer many people think in new plastic from the store. I think the people prefer this option because it is  the most comfortable, but I think if every person used it recyclable bag our environment every day can be better than yesterday.
In question four and five the same amount people answered Y and N, so I analized that the people that know there is a green market shop there too.
I analized the survey and  question nine and I see many people think on the consequences of the environment. At this moment in our world I think this is topic is more important than others because our health depends on our environment.
Every day people are raising awareness because our life depends on our environment.

I think: if you healthy life is important you must take care  the environment because the environment is as important as our lives.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

My carbon footprint

1. My total estimated "car and taxi" kilometers are 5200 this year.
2. My total estimated "air" kilometers are 0 this year.
3. My total estimated "subway and bus" kilometers are 3900 this year.

My total estimated travel is 9100 per year.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Nature memory.

When i was 7 years old, i remember i played in the park. This park was in front my grandmother´s house. I played with my brothers amd my cousins. Everyday when i was visiting my grandmother my cousins said to me: "come to the park". This park didn´t had games but invited the games. I remember that we didn´t have concerns about contamination because in these moments there weren´t cars. We were conscious that most garbaje was in the dumps. I enjoyed this moment because i didn´t have troubles for the contamination.

The park was quiet in some moments i was sleeping when i hard a car but in the park it wasn´t common to hear a car.

I remember too every wekkend i walked qith my family to the bosque popular and we didn´t have concerns about the sun. We didn´t use blick. We breathed clean air. We saw the sky.

I remember some days when i was enjoing the environment (i slept in the grass under the tress) my parents said in the moment but then i was happlest because the next weekend again i enjoyed the environment.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


My name is Paula Gallego Gallego. I am writing a blog about the environment for my english class. I think the environment is a trouble and we should help it because this is important for life us.
I help the environment by raising awareness in the people (family and friends)